T +34 937 957 990
Main office
Ctra. Sant Vicenç, 41
08394 Sant Vicenç de Montalt
Barcelona (Spain)
Frequently asked questions
We’ve collected our answers to the most common questions about our translation services.
What makes you different from other providers?
We use a powerful combination of human creativity and machine intelligence to craft consistent quality translations, quickly. We have a wide selection of translators and therefore for each language combination and subject area we have the right translators. We constantly optimize our production processes to help our Project Managers work as best as possible, concentrating on the tasks that really bring value to the final output of your projects, such as quality assurance.
How much does a translation cost?
To determine the price of a translation we need to know the language combination and the type of text to be translated. So contact us and even better, send us the document by email and we will give you a price and a deadline.
What guarantees do you give?
- Experience: we have 30 years of experience as language service providers.
- Quality: we work exclusively with qualified native translators, and we support them with advanced quality assurance processes.
- Delivery: Meeting deadlines, delivering a job on time is paramount to us. To this end, we use the most suitable translators and media for each translation.
- Privacy: we make every effort to safeguard the confidentiality of your personal information. Information relating to the translation itself, the nature of the translation, and any other information the customer transmits to Translated will be treated with complete confidentiality.